- huizhao, zhaohui303@gmail.com, georgetown university
- Jay Anderson, jay.anderson@bruker-nano.com, Bruker
- Lora Angelova, lva2@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Richard Arevalo, rarevalo83@gmail.com, Georgetown University
- Rana Ashkar, rana.ashkar@nist.gov, University of Maryland at College Park/ NIST
- Ruiliang Bai, rlbai@umd.edu, University of Maryland/NIH
- Jonathan Bauer, Jonbauer@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Alexandra Bayles, avbayles@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Peter Beltramo, beltramo@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Michael J Bertocchi, mjb355@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Robert Briber, rbriber@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Marguerite Brown, mlb247@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- George Burton, glb36@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Jie Chen, jiechen1988@gmail.com, NCNR,NIST
- Kui Chen, kchen@pha.jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Bhaskara V. Chikkaveeraiah, bhaskara.chikkaveeraiah@uconn.edu, NIBIB
- Nicholas Clark, nicholas.clark@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Center for Neutron Research
- John C. Crocker, jcrocker@seas.upenn.edu, University of Pennsylvania
- Zoey Davidson, zoeysd@sas.upenn.edu, University of Pennsylvania
- Jack Douglas, jack.douglas@nist.gov, NIST
- Teresa Duncan, ttd5@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Sudeep Dutta, sudeep@physics.georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- David Egolf, egolf@physics.georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Jillian Emerson, jill@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Eric M. Furst, furst@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Ting Ge, get@pha.jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- P. Douglas Godfrin, godfrin@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Yi Guo, yg112@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Yong He, yh304@georgetown.edu, Georgetown Universtiy
- Michael J. A. Hore, michael.hore@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Center for Neutron Research
- Steve Hudson, steven.hudson@nist.gov, NIST
- WONSEOK HWANG, whwang@umd.edu, University of Maryland, College Park
- Vishal Javvaji, vjavvaji@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Joonwoo Jeong, jjeong@sas.upenn.edu, University of Pennsylvania
- Albert Jin, Jina@mail.nih.gov, NIBIB/NIH
- Geoffrey Johnson, geoffrey.johnson@basf.com, BASF
- Frederick R. Phelan Jr., frederick.phelan@nist.gov, NIST
- Werner Kaufmann, werner.kaufmann@basf.com, BASF
- Edward Van Keuren, vankeu@physics.georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Duncan Kilburn, dkilburn@jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Nayoung Kim, KimN@Medimmune.com, MedImmune
- Wei-Fan kuan, wfkuan@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Pramukta Kumar, psk7@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Charles Kuo, yuanchia@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Lilian Lam, lilhtlam@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Bob Leheny, leheny@pha.jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Tingting Li, tl246@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Yun Liu, yunliu@nist.gov, University of Delaware/NIST
- Matthew Lohr, mlohr@sas.upenn.edu, University of Pennsylvania
- Annie Lu, xilu0306@yahoo.com, University of Maryland
- MIng Luo, mingluo@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Ajay Mallia, amm272@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Luz J Martinez-Miranda, ljmm@umd.edu, University of Maryland, College Park
- Nicos Martys, nicos.martys@nist.gov, NIST
- Armstrong Mbi, aem74@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Ryan McAllister, rmca@physics.georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Steven Metallo, sjm24@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Ian Morrison, ian@seas.harvard.edu, Harvard - SEAS
- Ryan Murphy, rpm@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Leah Nestico, Leah.Nestico@gmail.com, n/a
- Dan Neumann, dan@nist.gov, NIST
- Hyuntaek Oh, ohtech76@umd.edu, University of Maryland-College Park
- Divya K. P., divyagkarat@gmail.com, Georgetown University
- Mark Panczyk, mpanczyk@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Jai Pathak, pathakj@medimmune.com, MedImmune
- Beatriz Pazmino, bpazminobeta@wesleyan.edu, Wesleyan University
- Tatiana Perevozchikova, tnp@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology/ University of Delaware
- Tatiana Perevozchikova, tnp@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology/ University of Delaware
- Robert J. Polackwich, rjpolackwich@gmail.com, Georgetown
- Xiangyun Qiu, xqiu@gwu.edu, George Washington University
- Veena Rao, vrao@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Dan Reich, dhr@pha.jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Jens Rieger, jens.rieger@basf.com, BASF
- John Royer, jroyer@gmail.com, NIST
- Katayoon Saadin, saadink@umd.edu, University of Maryland, College Park
- K. Michael Salerno, ksalerno@pha.jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Suman Samai, ss3252@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Prasad Sarangapani, SarangapaniP@medimmune.com, MedImmune
- Tristan Sharp, tristan_a_s@yahoo.com, Johns Hopkins University
- James Shaw, james.shaw@bruker-nano.com, Bruker Nano
- Hao Shen, hao.shen@nist.gov, NIST NCNR
- Sheng Song, ss2237@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Samuel M. Stavis, sstavis@nist.gov, NIST CNST
- Justin Stimatze, jts68@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Elizabeth Strychalski, elizabeth.strychalski@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Marc Taraban, mtaraban@umd.edu, University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Eujin Um, eum@princeton.edu, Princeton University
- Nestor E. Valadez, nestor.valadezperez@nist.gov, NIST Center for Neutron Research
- Fernando Vargas-Lara, luis.vargaslara@nist.gov, NIST
- Matthew Wasbrough, matthew.wasbrough@nist.gov, University of Delaware/NIST
- Max Watson, max.watson@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- zengjiang wei, weizengjiang@gmail.com, Research Institute of Materials Science, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China && Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA
- Richard Weiss, weissr@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Kathryn Whitaker, whitaker@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- li XU, lixu112@gwu.edu, The George Washington Univrsity
- JUAN ZHANG, juanzhangchemical@yahoo.com, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park
- Mohan Zhang, mz243@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Xin Zhang, zhangx@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- CHEN ZHAO, cz64@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Curtis ZImmermann, curtis.zimmermann@basf.com, BASF