- Joseph Monti, jmonti3@jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Antonio Faraone, afaraone@nist.gov, NIST Center for Neutron Research
- Jack, jack.douglas@nist.gov, NIST
- Daniel Blair, Daniel.Blair@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Jeffrey Urbach, urbachj@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Anthony Kotula, anthony.kotula@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Piotr Habdas, phabdas@sju.edu, Saint Joseph's University
- Lauren Graham, grahaml@rsc.org, Royal Society of Chemistry
- Sebastian Hurtado Parra, sh570197@sju.edu, Saint Joseph's University
- Louis Poon, lp654@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Jingjing Li, jl1946@georgetown.edu, Department of Chemistry, Georgetown University
- Zachery Brown, zb599716@sju.edu, Saint Joseph's University
- SangHo Jee, jeesangho@outlook.com, University of Maryland, College Park
- Tom Lubensky, tom@physics.upenn.edu, University of Pennsylvania
- Nicos Martys, nicos.martys@nist.gov, NIST
- Mohan Zhang, mz243@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Teresa Duncan, ttd5@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Kalman Migler, kalman.migler@nist.gov, NIST
- Ian Morrison, ian.morrison@georgetown.edu, I(SM)2 at Georgetown
- Christian Jackson, christian.jackson@dupont.com, DuPont Central Research and Development
- Curtis Zimmermann, curtis.zimmermann@basf.com, BASF Corporation
- Stephanie Lam, stephanie.lam@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Eleni Katifori, katifori@gmail.com, UPenn
- Michael Bertocchi, mjb355@georgetown.edu, Georgetown
- Thomas Rosch, thomas.rosch@nist.gov, National Institute for Standards and Technology
- Tristan Sharp, tsharp@pha.jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Peter Olmsted, peter.olmsted@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Joel Clemmer, JClemme3@jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Matt Harrington, mjharrin@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Marc Taraban, mtaraban@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Takuma Hoshino, hoshino-takuma@ed.tmu.ac.jp, Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Jason Streit, jason.streit@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Yun Liu, yunliu@nist.gov, University of Delaware/NIST
- Axel Stuermer, axelstuermer@gmail.com, Georgetown University
- Thomas C. O'Connor, toconnor@jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Markus Bleuel, markus.bleuel@nist.gov, UMD / NCNR
- Mehdi Bouzid, mb1853@georgetown.edu, Georgetown university
- Sheng Song, ss2237@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Doug Godfrin, godfrin@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Paul Butler, butler@nist.gov, NIST
- Zoey Davidson, zoeysd@sas.upenn.edu, University Of Pennsylvania
- Mark Esrick, esrickm@georgetown.edu, Georgetown Universtiy
- Ed Van Keuren, erv@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Xinran Zhang, xz247@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- John Royer, jroyer@gmail.com, NIST
- Debra Audus, debra.audus@nist.gov, NIST
- Brian Utter, utterbc@jmu.edu, James Madison University
- Brian Utter, utterbc@jmu.edu, James Madison University
- Richard Wool, wool@udel.edu, University of Delaware, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Richard Weiss, weissr@georgetown.edu, Georgetown
- Sudeep Dutta, sudeep@physics.georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Marguerite Braun, mlb247@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Matthew Hartings, hartings@american.edu, American University
- Guy Joly, gdjoly@mmm.com, 3M
- Stephen K. Herbert, sherbert@uwyo.edu, University of Wyoming
- Yan Zhang, yz418@georgetown.edu, chemistry department Georgetown University
- Coline Bretz, colineb@seas.upenn.edu, University of Pennsylvania-Solvay
- Werner Kaufmann, werner.kaufmann@basf.com, BASF Corporation
- Paul Salipante, paul.salipante@nist.gov, NIST
- Chen Zhao, cz64@georgetown.edu, Department of Physics
- Zhongyu Mou, zm82@georgtown.edu, Georgetown University. Chemistry Dept.
- Ning Chen, ning.chen@nist.gov, NIST
- Michelle Calabrese, mcalab@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Aditya Maddali, amaddali97@gmail.com, University of Maryland, College Park
- Jingjing Li, jl1946@georgetown.edu, Department of Chemistry, Georgetown University
- Miklos Kertesz, kertesz@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- John Kerin, jak247@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Clare Waterman, watermancm@mail.nih.gov, NIH/NHLBI
- Claudio Resta, cr845@georgetown.edu, Università di Pisa, Georgetown University
- Bruce Yu, byu@rx.umaryland.edu, University of Maryland
- Tingting Li, tl246@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Steven Metallo, sjm24@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Bob Leheny, leheny@jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Elizabeth Kelley, elizabeth.kelley@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- James Prout, jpprout@gmail.com, Georgetown University
- Masnada Elian, elian.masnada@gmail.com, georgetown university
- Jon Lillian, jon@seedsprint.com, Georgetown University
- Steven Spangenberg, sks93@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Lin Guo, lguo7@jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Faye Rubinson, jfr@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Ajay Mallia, ajay.mallia@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Rana Ashkar, rana.ashkar@nist.gov, NIST/UMD
- David Rivas, drivas1@umbc.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Xiangwen Lai, xl258@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Maegan Dailey, md1240@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Alexis Wadowski, avw7@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University