- Arjun, mishraa@ibbr.umd.edu, ibbr
- Pragati Agnihotri, pragati@umd.edu, IBBR
- Niti Agrawal, nitiagr@umd.edu, University of Maryland College Park
- So Hyun Ahn, sohyun1@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Samim Ali, samim.ali@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Stella Alimperti, styliani.alimperti@nist.gov, National Institute of Standard and Technology
- Alexander K. Andrianov, aandrianov@ibbr.umd.edu, IBBR
- Debra Audus, debra.audus@nist.gov, NIST
- Minaspi Bantawa, mb1891@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Peter Basser, basserp@mail.nih.gov, NIH
- Danielle Beaupre, dmb301@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Kate Beers, beers@nist.gov, NIST
- Avanish Bharati, bharatia@udel.edu, NIST Centre for Neutron Research, University of Delaware
- Daniel Blair, daniel.blair@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Leah Borden, leahkborden@gmail.com, University of Maryland College Park
- Robert Briber, rbriber@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Paul Butler, butlerpd@udel.edu, NIST
- Christina Camara, ccamara1@terpmail.umd.edu, University of Maryland - College Park
- Ting-An Chen, tc850@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Hema Choudhary, hema994@terpmail.umd.edu, University of Maryland, College Park
- Alexandros Chremos, alexandros.chremos@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Fatih Comert, fcomert@umd.edu, IBBR
- Adrian P. Defante, apd3@nist.gov, NIST
- Kimberly Dennis, kadennis@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Claudia Dessi, cd1021@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Jack F. Douglas, jack.douglas@nist.gov, NIST
- Luís Gustavo Duarte, lg.alvesduarte@gmail.com, Georgetown University/UNICAMP
- Sudeep Dutta, sudeep@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Jeffrey Fagan, jfagan@nist.gov, NIST
- Rebecca Fedderwitz, rfedderw@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Andrea Giuntoli, andrea.giuntoli@nist.gov, NIST
- Raquel Godoy-Ruiz, rruiz@som.umaryland.edu, University of Maryland Baltimore School of Medicine
- Abhay Goyal, abhayg47@gmail.com, Georgetown University
- Alexander Grishaev, agrishaev@ibbr.umd.edu, IBBR/UMD
- Girishma Grover, gg603@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Martyna Habdas, mh334209@sju.edu, Saint Joseph's University
- Piotr Habdas, phabdas@sju.edu, Saint Joseph's University
- Sean Hare, share2@jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Frank Heinrich, fheinrich@cmu.edu, Carnegie Mellon University
- Doug Henderson, Dhender5@umd.edu, University of Maryland College Park
- J. Todd Hoopes, hoopesj@ibbr.umd.edu, IBBR
- Ferenc Horkay, horkayf@mail.nih.gov, NIH
- YIMIN HU, ymhu821132@gmail.com, Maryland university College park
- YIMIN HU, ymhu821132@gmail.com, University of Maryland, College Park
- Steve Hudson, steven.hudson@nist.gov, NIST
- Michael Jenkins, mj641247@sju.edu, Saint Joseph's University
- Grethe Jensen, gvjensen@udel.edu, University of Delaware/NIST
- Feng Jiang, jiangf23@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Joseph JIang, zhj216@lehigh.edu, Lehigh University
- Eugenie Jumaian, ejumaia1@jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- Prajakta Kamerkar, prajakta.kamerkar@anton-paar.com, Anton Paar USA
- Zvi Kelman, zkelman@nist.gov, NIST
- Hojin Kim, hjkim@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Yoontae Kim, kyt1979@gmail.com, American Dental Association Foundation
- Ferheen kiran, Fk238@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Xiangwen Lai, xl258@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Jaeho Lee, jaeho.jhlee@gmail.com, University of Maryland
- Yu-Fan Lee, yflee@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Yu-Jiun (Nate) Lin, natelin@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Yun Liu, yunliu@udel.edu, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Yimin Luo, yiminluo@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Yuanchi Ma, yuanchi.ma@nist.gov, NIST
- Nathan Mahynski, nathan.mahynski@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Enrico Malito, enrico.x.malito@gsk.com, GSK
- Yimin Mao, yimin.mao@nist.gov, UMD/NIST
- Artemis Margaronis, martem6@gmail.com, University of Maryland, College Park
- Luz J. Martinez-Miranda, ljmm@umd.edu, University of Maryland, College Park
- Steven J Metallo, sjm24@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Ella Mihailescu, emihailescu@ibbr.umd.edu, IBBR
- Mehdi Molaei, mmolaei@seas.upenn.edu, University of Pennsylvania
- Christine Mourafetis, cmmcmm@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Sabry G. Moustafa, sabrygad@buffalo.edu, NIST
- Silvia Muro, muro@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Ryan P. Murphy, ryan.murphy@nist.gov, NIST
- Matan Mussel, matan.mussel@nih.gov, NICHD, NIH
- Ralph Nossal, rnossal@verizon.net, Georgetown University (visitor)
- Amish Patel, pamish@seas.upenn.edu, University of Pennsylvania
- Jai Pathak, pathakj@macrogenics.com, Dr.
- Jai Pathak, pathakj@macrogenics.com, MacroGenics
- matthew petroff, mattpetroff@gmail.com, Johns Hopkins University
- Louis Poon, lp654@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Nicholas Posey, nposey@mail.pse.umass.edu, NIST, Materials Measurement Laboratory, Polymers and Complex Fluids
- Vivek Prabhu, vprabhu@nist.gov, NIST
- Boyang Qin, bqin@princeton.edu, Princeton University
- Srini Raghavan, sraghava@umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Paul Salipante, paul.salipante@nist.gov, NIST
- Matthew Sartucci, mrs281@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Natalie Linnell Schwab, nlschwab@terpmail.umd.edu, University of Maryland
- Francesca Serra , francesca.serra@jhu.edu, Johns Hopkins University
- salman shahid, salmanshahid3@gmail.com, IBBR
- Chong Shen, chs514@lehigh.edu, Lehigh University Physics Department
- Abhishek Shetty, abhi.shetty@anton-paar.com, Anton Paar USA
- Francis Snyder, Fs685504@sju.edu, Saint Josephs University
- Sai Nikhil Subraveti, nikhil15@terpmail.umd.edu, University of Maryland College Park
- Marc Taraban, mtaraban@umd.edu, University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Susana Teixeira, susanat@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Ben Thompson, benthompson7791@gmail.com, University of Maryland
- Cesar Torres, cesartorres093@gmail.com, University of Maryland
- Leopoldo Torres, ltorres@umd.edu, University of Maryland College Pale
- David Vaccarello, david.vaccarello@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Howard Wang, wangh@umd.edu, University of Maryland, College Park
- Xiaohong Wang, xiaohong.wang@nist.gov, American Dental Association Volpe Research Center
- Kellen White, kw697@georgetown.edu, Georgetown University
- Yuyin Xi, xiyuyin@udel.edu, University of Delaware
- Hang Yang, yangh@umd.edu, IBBR
- guangcui yuan, guangcui.yuan@nist.gov, NCNR
- Chen Zeng, chenz@gwu.edu, George Washington University
- Rui Zhang, rzhang5@villanova.edu, Villanova University
- Wengang Zhang, wengang.zhang@nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Xin Zhang, zhangx@umd.edu, University of Maryland